In association with


Guidelines for submission

The Mbali Conference organisers will not hold any copyright of an article accepted for publication in the Mbali Conference proceedings. The author of such an article who wishes to publish it in another journal may do so freely. 

Editorial objectives of MBALI Conference
The objectives of the MBALI Conference are to attract papers of broad interest in the Commercial, Administration and Legal fields for presentation.  Papers submitted by international and national conference delegates are encouraged to publish their papers in journals of their choice. Internal submissions by Unizulu staff are also free to publish their articles in SAPSE accredited Journals of their choice, however, the Conference organisers will also negotiate with established SAPSE journals for publication of the best conference papers.

Reviewing process
Papers submitted for presentation will be sent to two peer reviewers through the double blinded approach. Papers conforming to acceptable research norms and standards and are substantially compliant with the prescribed manuscript requirements will be published in the conference proceedings
(i) It is our policy to encourage and support novice and established authors. However, in order to improve on the quality of publications, manuscripts that are unanimously recommended by at least two reviewers for substantive revision or rejection may not be published.
At a later date when we launch our Faculty Journal we will outline the details of the reviewing process.

Manuscript requirements
• Length of Articles
These should comprise 4000-8000 words, including the list of works cited and notes. Shorter essays (500-2000 words) such as book reviews and debates on topics introduced by specific papers may be accepted.
• Format
Papers should be submitted electronically, as email attachments formatted in a recent version of MsWord or Rich Text Format. While each article should include the author’s personal telephone number and email address on the first page before the abstract, the article itself should be stripped of all references to the author’s identity. This is in order to assist the blind review process.
• Style of Articles
The MBALI Conference uses a specific version of Harvard style. Authors should make sure that their papers are already formatted in this style before submission to the journal.