In association with


MBALI 2024 Keynote Speaker

Professor Sipho Seepe

Professor Seepe is a Higher Education consultant. Until recently he was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Institutional Support at the University of Zululand. Professor Seepe is a physicist by training. He holds two master’s degrees, one in Physics from the University of the Witwatersrand and the second one in Technology in Education from Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts. He also holds a PhD from the University of Northwest. 

He is a recipient of several scholarships, the most prestigious being the Harvard Fellowship and the Senior Research Fulbright Fellowship. Before returning to the academy, he served as a Special Advisor in several Ministries including Public Service and Administration, Human Settlements, Communications, and Defence & Military Veterans. He is a former associate political editor and columnist for the Mail & Guardian and the Business Day. Professor Seepe has written extensively on matters of public interest. He has appeared on numerous occasions on television as political analyst and commentator and is well known throughout South Africa for this role.